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  • Writer's pictureRosieArna

No One Had A Bad Day With A Positive Mindset

Updated: Apr 3, 2019

Imagine if you had the power to make every day a good one. As your alarm announces morning instead of thinking 'oh fuck it's Monday' you are optimistic about the new week. You'd live daily, not in lust for Friday but because there are a whole five other working days prior to this. Each twenty-four-hour period is an opportunity to be amazing, to feel amazing. Atop of your own emotions and feelings you have the capability to make another person smile, to experience joy, to laugh. Prospectively that makes us all superheros. However, before we aim to save someone else from the grasps of negativity we must first reflect on where our own mindset is situated.

People thrive off the negativity in life. It is junk food for the soul. If nothing is wrong we seek to find something that is. People like drama and they like to complain. Of course this is a generalised statement but even I myself find that sometimes I get caught up in the pessimistic woes and enjoy an unjustified vent. I vividly remember being in a coffee shop and observing a customer absolutely losing the plot that his coffee was scalding. Instead of waiting five minutes for it to cool he resorted to prompting the barista to tears as he demanded another with octaives that could be heard from the moon. Infuriated he stormed out leaving a cloud of detrimental vibes to infuse the cafe. Now for all I know he could have just ran over a cat or jammed his fingers in the door but taking your own personal emotions out on someone else to the extent of them crying or not is what I perceive as unnecessary. There are ways to go about matters and taking a step back, a deep breathe and thinking 'is it really that bad' often helps. You are quite literally in control.

Stepping on others to adheer yourself doesn't make you successful, it makes you an asshole. Putting another individual down to build yourself up can portray an insecure character. It's relatable to the bullies in school, usually they were projecting their own personal problems onto others. That's how I learnt not to give a hoot about what others think of me. Your haters usually have something much more significant going on in their own life. I don't take the majority of negative occurrences to heart because I feel sorry for the individual that the only way they know how to deal with their own insecurities is to impute it on others. This isn't just refferring to direct comments but also attitudes. Don't let someone else's negative attitude effect yours. I often turn it back on them. At a hostel in Munich this man was complaining about his whole experience overseas. He hadn't enjoyed Italy, Spain was a disappointment and the trains to get to each location I quote 'suck'. My response was 'oh my goodness isn't it ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE that we are in Europe seeing places many people only dream of visiting?!'. With a chuckle he agreed and off he went hopefully with a broader perspective that the world isn't out to get us.

All our trains had been cancelled to make it to Grindelwald Switzerland. Miraculously we did it and the picture says it all

At the mention of world not attacking us let me also state that the weather isn't either. There is no such thing as bad weather, only wearing the wrong attire. I used to detest the rain. A five year old I was caring for in England adjusted this whole perception for life. It was absolutely pissing down one day, we were soaked to the bone and I was grumbling. She looked up at me and stated 'Rosie if we say we love the rain then the weather goblins will make it go away because they think we like it'. Next moment we're dancing in the rain, droplets running down our spine, puddles overlapping into our boots and hollering how much we love the rain. Travelling has also significantly contributed to how the weather influences my day. This being in that rain or shine I still set out to do what I had originally planned. Admittedly this has resulted in less than desirable experiences i.e.; being isolated in the middle of an Icelandic storm in a little fiat with no snow tyres, hyperventilating into balloons - wandering the streets of flooded Venice - and when the busses stopped on a night out in Austria braving the -15 degrees to venture for an hour on foot back to bed. But hey, everyone loves a story!

Flooded Piazza San Marco 2018

Being positive doesn't have to be a 24 hour, 365 days a year onset. I don't like to think things go 'wrong' but they don't necessarily always go to plan. The development to this is acknowledging the negativity, allowing yourself to sit in it for a few moments and then picking yourself up again. I strongly believe everything happens for a reason. As per a previous blog post - Life is what you make it and perception is key. I've never heard of someone having a bad day with a positive mindset.

R x

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