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  • Writer's pictureRosieArna

Ciao 2018

Ten, nine, eight, seven, (oops Rosie's already popped the champagne) six, five, four, three, two, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Who else blinked and it was already 2019? As they say time flies when you're having fun. Twenty eighteen was such an incredible whirlwind of a year. Here are some of my pedestal moments.


The night had started off with my brother and I in our hostel room succumbing to the days adventures including waffles, Prague Bridge and bumping into fellow Kiwis at the Lennon Wall - we were convinced we'd be sleeping by 10pm. A couple (ok a solid few) vodkas later we danced our way into 2018 on a random bridge in Prague with around twenty people following our booze bottle as a tour sign. Maybe it was the alcohol, our exotic accents or perhaps it was all in our heads but we had a taste of fame that night with people asking us to pop their champagne at midnight, requesting photos with yours truly and hoisting us onto their shoulders. All highs have a low and we quickly learnt why it is a third of the price to travel on New Years Day. Flixbus is renown for low cost transfers throughout Europe but we really were on struggle street on our 8 hour journey to Munich. 2018 was off to a legendary start...


It is true that some of the greatest experiences in life are free. One of those cost someone a lot of money to build but the free entrance to the Sky Tower London provided enough eye candy to have us skip the M&M store in Piccadilly Circus. The security check upon entering had the crowd in fits of laughter as the officers were deliberating if two puppy-eyed children should be allowed their giant water pistols inside. At the top we were greeted to a fantasy world overlooking London's skyline and a not so budget friendly bar. Cheers to that view.


Mount Teide in Tenerife Spain was a gratifying conquer. We set off at 12am, fuelled by skittles, chocolate and chicken soup on a mission to be the first people to see the sun rise in Spain. Let me just say every kid has a right to be afraid of the dark - spiders by daylight are frightening enough but these monsters were out of Harry Potter. The last thirty minutes of the climb was a true test of stamina, determination and alliance as we each held hands and uttered motivational phrases to one another. As everyone, strangers and friends, lay on the hot volcanic rocks huddling like penguins for extra warmth there was a pure sense of united achievement. The rising sun illuminated the content on everyones faces along with the rare panorama of the volcanos shadow expanding out over the sea. A truly stupendous experience followed by a sixteen hour snooze.

Spain as a whole provided a wonderful focal point of my travels in 2018. I was welcomed with open arms and jars of peanut butter into an incredible Spanish family. Together the daily life involved diving, exploring new beaches, making dances, loads of laughter mostly caused by the language barrier, learning Spanish customs and devouring mouth watering traditional cuisine. The only factor I couldn't quite grasp was the night life - if you go out before 3am consider yourself early. Hey-ho another sangria and let's bring the party to town.


Cinque Terre (not pronounced sink - you - tear - aye) had been on my travel list for years. If it's not on yours I suggest adding it right now. I highly recommend travelling during November as without the sun charred tourists you have a chance to properly become involved in the location and snap a decent picture. Of the five towns we managed to visit three, each idilic with alley way streets, colourful candy buildings and the smell of pasta making our senses shiver. Nothing beats good company, fine vino and sitting on cobbled walls watching the sun set.

Supporting the All Blacks in Rome was an opportunity not to miss and nor did it disappoint... well the Italians maybe. No I still don't understand the rules of rugby but I thoroughly enjoyed yahooing New Zealand to the 66-3 win.

Venice was flooded and not from my tears while watching The Notebook. I have visited Venice multiple times and this was a completely unique experience. Piazza San Marco underwater with seagulls having their breakfast and our gumboots submerged was quite different to the previous times of being close to heat stroke. It was rather comical wading through the streets observing waiters in restaurants wearing gumboots and serving meals to famished tourists who sat at close to floating tables.


2018 was concluded with another check on the bucket list - a winter Christmas. I was fortunate enough to be welcomed into a mixture of Austrian and Dutch traditions which involve cheese fondues, grill your own meat options and hot pots. Sounds like a punch line for a food coma right?

In the village named Baad where I'm currently based there is one tunnel and road in/out. This snowfall is the lottery of flurries and has us in lockdown. So as I sit literally isolated from the world I must love and leave you to a hot wine and roaring fire. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

R x

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