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  • Writer's pictureRosieArna

Sorry Grace

Following Grace Millane's murder I feel an appropriate topic to discuss is travelling alone as a female. For those who haven't seen it highlighting the news globally Grace was a 21 year old woman who was cold heartedly murdered on the 1st of December in New Zealand. Firstly condolences to her family and friends. I cannot fathom what you are going through. Secondly, I'm sorry Grace that your travels, experiences and life were robbed from you. A justification of your choice to travel the world alone is something no one need provide. I admire that you were out seeing the world and gaining life experiences, it makes my heart ache thinking of what could - and should - have been a trip to return home and tell your family and friends.

It is all to common being told to be back by dark, avoid the parks at night, don't walk with headphones in, make sure your phone is on, cross the street if you see a male coming towards you, don't go there alone it is dangerous as a female. All of which I have either done at some point in my life or let be a factor of my decisions. In Rome I found it disgustingly recurrent to be pinched on the bum by men older than my grandad, cat called in London day and night, and groped in Prague. In Paris I was drinking my weight in coffee when a wrinkled prune approached me and yarbled on. My personal bubble isn't overly huge but he was definitely close enough to guess he'd had a croissant for breakfast. After becoming bored with my blank expression he moved on to which the French girl adjacent to me enquired if I was ok and apologised for his filthy tongue. I laughed it off stating that I hadn't understood a single word as my French is limited to Bonjour. The relief on her face said it all.

I wanted Egypt to be a part of my New Year's shenanigans but after pleads not to go alone I decided to save my friends and family from the worry wrinkles. In clubs it is routine to single out a seemingly kind male or the bar tender and request they be my 'boyfriend' for the night should I need to escape from an intoxicated loon. When booking my ticket to a future destination I check arrival and departure times, often paying more to avoid being at train stations late at night or early morning. I message my mother daily so she can sleep at night knowing I'll be up to eat another glorious breakfast of peanut butter oats. All these scenarios and precautions yet should anything happen I would likely have a caption similar to Grace's - why was she travelling alone. Imagine I'm yelling through the device you're reading this on. It was not her fault.

I have read multiple articles stating that the most dangerous place for women is in fact their own home. Yes that's right, I'll type that again for the skim readers, their own home. Not those parks after sunset, not ominous streets or tunnels, nor near public transport terminals. Their own homes. Travelling solo did not kill Grace. She was entitled to go experience the world with or without company, she was entitled to perhaps have had a drink of alcohol, if she was on a tinder date she was entitled to do so. The only persons morals, thoughts and actions who need to be questioned here are those of the 26 year old male who murdered her.

Unfortunately we live in a world where precautions must be taken. But if you wish to travel the world as an unaccompanied female, you have every right. Don't let a stigma deprive you of fulfilling your travel bug when the greatest danger may be at home. You will never experience life if you live out of fear.

'Fear does not stop death, it stops life'.

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